21010 miners | Next Payout
(in 01:22)
Name | Reward | Diff | Block | Effort | TTF1 | Hash2 | Profit3 | |
Galleoncoin (sha256csm) | 400 GALE | 286.19 | 1 390 532 | 406% | 5 mins | 3.5 Gh/s | 0.00218 |
2) approximate from the last 5 minutes submitted shares
3) 24h estimation in mBTC/Gh/day
4) background coloured entries - AuxPoW coins, merged mining extra earnings for same hashrate
5) coloured text entries - short on currency. Please switch to another payout currency until we find more blocks.
Name | Amount | Diff | Block | Time | Type | Status |
Items per page:
0 of 0
Algorithm | Type | Port | Coins | Miners (shared/ solo) | Hashrate (shared/ solo) | Profit Factor | Current Estimate | 24 Hours Estimated | 24 Hours Actual |
allium | GPU FPGA | 6433 | 2 | 18 / 1 | 11.7 Mh/s | mBTC/Gh/day | 0.25424 | 0.27830 | 0.24413 |
blake2s | ASIC | 5766 | TAJ | 45 / 2 | 3.6 Th/s | mBTC/Th/day | 0.01487 | 0.00992 | 0.00970 |
bmw512 | GPU ASIC FPGA | 5787 | 2 | 9 / 2 | 18.8 Gh/s | mBTC/Gh/day | 0.00265 | 0.00198 | 0.00107 |
cpupower | CPU | 4250 | CPU | 301 / 227 | 38.2 Kh/s | mBTC/Mh/day | 0.87303 | 0.81582 | 1.01389 |
cryptonight_gpu | CPU GPU | 4445 | 2 | 704 / 0 | 224.1 Kh/s | mBTC/Kh/day | 0.00143 | 0.00134 | 0.00037 |
cryptonight_upx | CPU GPU | 4457 | UPX | 376 / 20 | 1.3 Mh/s | mBTC/Mh/day | 0.02701 | 0.02315 | 0.00740 |
curvehash | CPU GPU | 3343 | PLSR | 23 / 11 | 334.2 Mh/s | mBTC/Gh/day | 0.43035 | 0.39090 | 0.63007 |
equihash | GPU ASIC | 2142 | 3 | 11 / 2 | 806.9 Kh/s | mBTC/Mh/day | 0.18017 | 0.16299 | 0.12175 |
equihash125 | GPU FPGA | 2150 | FLUX | 10 / 0 | 67h/s | mBTC/Kh/day | 0.08849 | 0.08789 | 0.00000 |
equihash144 | GPU FPGA | 2146 | 3 | 604 / 4 | 10.1 Kh/s | mBTC/Kh/day | 0.05372 | 0.05051 | 0.00000 |
equihash192 | GPU FPGA | 2144 | 2 | 67 / 89 | 2.5 Kh/s | mBTC/Kh/day | 0.06629 | 0.07063 | 0.13459 |
ethash | GPU ASIC | 9999 | 6 | 208 / 0 | 3.4 Gh/s | mBTC/Gh/day | 0.02871 | 0.02810 | 0.01632 |
ethashb3 | GPU | 9996 | HYP | 4 / 2 | 165.1 Mh/s | mBTC/Gh/day | 0.04100 | 0.04150 | 0.04695 |
evrprogpow | CPU GPU | 3002 | EVR | 170 / 1 | 1 Gh/s | mBTC/Gh/day | 0.26397 | 0.23569 | 0.22743 |
firopow | GPU | 3001 | 2 | 13 / 0 | 1.3 Gh/s | mBTC/Gh/day | 0.15540 | 0.15182 | 0.13278 |
flex | CPU GPU | 6435 | 2 | 1 / 4 | 2.5 Kh/s | mBTC/Kh/day | 0.00260 | 0.00281 | 0.00172 |
frkhash | GPU | 9995 | EXP | 0 / 0 | mBTC/Gh/day | 0.00000 | 0.00000 | 0.00000 | |
ghostrider | CPU | 5354 | 15 | 1749 / 791 | 1.1 Mh/s | mBTC/Kh/day | 0.00104 | 0.00108 | 0.00098 |
groestl | ASIC FPGA | 5333 | GRS | 77 / 10 | 354.4 Gh/s | mBTC/Gh/day | 0.00083 | 0.00113 | 0.00103 |
heavyhash | GPU FPGA | 5137 | 2 | 189 / 0 | 195.7 Gh/s | mBTC/Gh/day | 0.00472 | 0.00496 | 0.00561 |
hoohash | GPU | 5557 | HTN | 51 / 3 | 4 Gh/s | mBTC/Mh/day | 0.00002 | 0.00002 | 0.00004 |
karlsenhash | GPU | 5558 | 2 | 6 / 0 | 3.1 Gh/s | mBTC/Gh/day | 0.00035 | 0.00034 | 0.00036 |
karlsenhashv2 | GPU | 3200 | KLS | 15 / 5 | 687.2 Mh/s | mBTC/Gh/day | 0.09971 | 0.10569 | 0.11723 |
kawpow | GPU | 3638 | 16 | 479 / 35 | 10.5 Gh/s | mBTC/Gh/day | 0.18947 | 0.19190 | 0.24815 |
keccakc | GPU FPGA | 5134 | NVOL | 180 / 0 | 5.2 Mh/s | mBTC/Gh/day | 0.00241 | 0.00159 | 0.00194 |
kheavyhash | GPU ASIC | 5555 | KAS | 14 / 0 | 9.3 Th/s | mBTC/Th/day | 0.01624 | 0.01592 | 0.00000 |
lbry | ASIC | 3334 | LBC | 0 / 0 | mBTC/Th/day | 0.01806 | 0.01174 | 0.00000 | |
lyra2v2 | ASIC FPGA | 4533 | MONA | 1 / 0 | mBTC/Th/day | 0.79332 | 0.60556 | 0.00000 | |
lyra2z | ASIC FPGA | 4553 | ACM | 1 / 1 | 1.4 Gh/s | mBTC/Gh/day | 0.05455 | 0.04240 | 0.04791 |
meraki | GPU | 8833 | TLS | 0 / 0 | mBTC/Gh/day | 0.10006 | 0.09872 | 0.00000 | |
mike | CPU | 3734 | VKAX | 5 / 13 | 2.2 Kh/s | mBTC/Kh/day | 0.00092 | 0.00162 | 0.00107 |
minotaurx | CPU | 7019 | 2 | 227 / 59 | 516.8 Kh/s | mBTC/Mh/day | 0.29373 | 0.22278 | 0.33910 |
myr-gr | ASIC | 5433 | AUR | 4 / 0 | 915.5 Gh/s | mBTC/Th/day | 0.04831 | 0.07735 | 0.08627 |
neoscrypt | GPU FPGA | 4233 | 6 | 62 / 7 | 9.5 Mh/s | mBTC/Mh/day | 0.00122 | 0.00137 | 0.00119 |
neoscrypt-xaya | GPU | 4238 | 2 | 8 / 14 | 22.2 Mh/s | mBTC/Mh/day | 0.00247 | 0.00322 | 0.00162 |
nexapow | GPU | 3004 | NEXA | 0 / 0 | mBTC/Gh/day | 0.04368 | 0.04252 | 0.00000 | |
panthera | CPU | 4461 | XLA | 0 / 0 | mBTC/Kh/day | 0.00020 | 0.00018 | 0.00000 | |
pyrinhashv2 | GPU | 5559 | PYI | 59 / 7 | 143.4 Gh/s | mBTC/Gh/day | 0.00102 | 0.00097 | 0.00107 |
quark | ASIC | 4033 | DIME | 46 / 0 | mBTC/Th/day | 0.00000 | 0.00000 | 0.00000 | |
qubit | ASIC | 4733 | 2 | 61 / 0 | 879.6 Mh/s | mBTC/Gh/day | 0.01603 | 0.00695 | 0.00054 |
randomARQ | CPU GPU | 4464 | ARQ | 69 / 2 | 5.4 Kh/s | mBTC/Mh/day | 0.03815 | 0.04057 | 0.02070 |
randomXEQ | CPU GPU | 4450 | XEQ | 8 / 3 | 1.6 Kh/s | mBTC/Mh/day | 0.01446 | 0.01463 | 0.00000 |
randomx | CPU GPU | 4453 | 3 | 124 / 11 | 71.6 Kh/s | mBTC/Kh/day | 0.00034 | 0.00037 | 0.00000 |
scrypt | ASIC | 3433 | 25 | 426 / 200 | 465.4 Gh/s | mBTC/Gh/day | 0.03947 | 0.03558 | 0.03241 |
scryptn2 | CPU | 3435 | XBTX | 82 / 25 | 148h/s | mBTC/Kh/day | 0.00000 | 0.00000 | 0.00000 |
sha256 | ASIC | 3333 | 19 | 343 / 104 | 8.7 Ph/s | mBTC/Ph/day | 0.66980 | 0.78431 | 0.73568 |
sha256csm | GPU | 3340 | GALE | 10 / 0 | 4.5 Gh/s | mBTC/Gh/day | 0.00217 | 0.00166 | 0.00217 |
sha256dt | GPU | 3341 | NOVO | 200 / 0 | 21.1 Gh/s | mBTC/Gh/day | 0.00122 | 0.00121 | 0.00118 |
sha3d | GPU FPGA | 5136 | REDB | 34 / 1 | 42.9 Gh/s | mBTC/Gh/day | 0.00138 | 0.00135 | 0.00240 |
sha512256d | GPU | 7086 | RXD | 12 / 1 | 949.8 Gh/s | mBTC/Gh/day | 0.00007 | 0.00007 | 0.00000 |
sib | ASIC | 5033 | HEL | 33 / 12 | 20.5 Gh/s | mBTC/Gh/day | 0.00179 | 0.00122 | 0.00122 |
skein | ASIC FPGA | 4933 | 2 | 13 / 0 | mBTC/Th/day | 0.37096 | 0.44605 | 0.00000 | |
skydoge | CPU GPU | 3735 | SKYDOGE | 47 / 3 | 4.6 Gh/s | mBTC/Gh/day | 0.24856 | 0.26708 | 0.26423 |
verthash | GPU | 4534 | VTC | 140 / 9 | 75.1 Mh/s | mBTC/Mh/day | 0.00365 | 0.00341 | 0.00344 |
verushash | CPU GPU FPGA | 3300 | VRSC | 8921 / 1938 | 48 Gh/s | mBTC/Gh/day | 0.17206 | 0.19786 | 0.24130 |
whirlpool | CPU GPU | 4133 | MTBC | 5 / 0 | 2.2 Mh/s | mBTC/Gh/day | 0.34818 | 0.07028 | 0.04083 |
x11 | ASIC | 3533 | 10 | 118 / 0 | 8.9 Th/s | mBTC/Th/day | 0.05582 | 0.04803 | 0.03962 |
x13 | ASIC | 3633 | ONION | 88 / 0 | 3.2 Gh/s | mBTC/Gh/day | 0.00291 | 0.00177 | 0.00142 |
x16r | GPU ASIC FPGA | 3636 | GENIX | 37 / 0 | mBTC/Gh/day | 0.00000 | 0.00000 | 0.00000 | |
x16rt | GPU FPGA | 3696 | AVN | 0 / 6 | 392.6 Mh/s | mBTC/Gh/day | 0.04190 | 0.04057 | 0.04496 |
x16rv2 | GPU | 3637 | 3 | 38 / 10 | 213.7 Mh/s | mBTC/Gh/day | 0.04458 | 0.02848 | 0.04698 |
x21s | GPU | 3224 | 2 | 2 / 1 | 134.1 Mh/s | mBTC/Gh/day | 0.08471 | 0.07319 | 0.25180 |
x25x | GPU | 3225 | HTH | 7 / 4 | 37.2 Mh/s | mBTC/Gh/day | 0.25003 | 0.26661 | 0.39523 |
xelisv2-pepew | CPU | 5778 | PEPEW | 85 / 7 | 246.1 Kh/s | mBTC/Kh/day | 0.00032 | 0.00032 | 0.00048 |
yescrypt | CPU GPU | 6233 | 2 | 489 / 25 | 8 Kh/s | mBTC/Mh/day | 0.00000 | 0.00000 | 0.00000 |
yescryptR16 | CPU GPU | 6333 | 2 | 75 / 9 | 60.5 Kh/s | mBTC/Kh/day | 0.00128 | 0.00099 | 0.00114 |
yescryptR32 | CPU | 6343 | 2 | 112 / 11 | 2.3 Kh/s | mBTC/Kh/day | 0.00000 | 0.00000 | 0.00000 |
yescryptR8 | CPU | 6323 | MTBC | 1 / 14 | 2.9 Kh/s | mBTC/Mh/day | 0.05274 | 0.06676 | 0.06568 |
yespower | CPU | 6533 | 5 | 288 / 76 | 109.5 Kh/s | mBTC/Mh/day | 0.36108 | 0.30752 | 0.38708 |
yespowerLTNCG | CPU | 6239 | CRNC | 54 / 11 | 7.7 Kh/s | mBTC/Kh/day | 0.00129 | 0.00110 | 0.00150 |
yespowerMGPC | CPU | 6247 | MGPC | 30 / 8 | 10.2 Kh/s | mBTC/Kh/day | 0.00074 | 0.00071 | 0.00069 |
yespowerR16 | CPU | 6534 | YTN | 174 / 49 | 71.8 Kh/s | mBTC/Mh/day | 1.07633 | 0.91334 | 0.82279 |
yespowerSUGAR | CPU | 6535 | SUGAR | 116 / 41 | 46.8 Kh/s | mBTC/Kh/day | 0.00135 | 0.00143 | 0.00245 |
yespowerTIDE | CPU | 6237 | TDC | 3 / 0 | 12.4 Kh/s | mBTC/Mh/day | 0.31400 | 0.28504 | 0.00000 |
yespowerURX | CPU | 6236 | URX | 7 / 1 | 531h/s | mBTC/Kh/day | 0.00000 | 0.00000 | 0.00000 |
193 | 21881 |